søndag 23. oktober 2011

Snack time :)

It's snack time ! Hmmm. Sometimes you are a little bit hungry, but you know you are going to eat dinner or a bigger meal later. What do you eat? A fruit is a good choice. Maybe two fruits? Maybe some nuts, maybe a small bowl of cereal and a fruit. Hahah you get the point 
 I decided to eat some baby carrots and dip them in chickpeas hummus. Hmmm.
Vitamins, fiber and protein all at once :) Good snack
I also ate a Larabar. They take some getting used too. After a while they are more like a treat. But at first when you eat them and your used to chocolate or candy as a treat u might think this is pretty tasteless and nasty, but you get used to it. Before you know it its Namnam Yumyum

Happy Sunday !!

torsdag 20. oktober 2011

Kiwi and apple makes the Doctor and pimples go away

I bought a lot of apples and kiwi last week. I have been eating one of each everyday. hmmmm. Feels good to eat something healthy.

I found out that apple actually reduce and fights to prevent pimples. That is just so great.
It also has a lot of fiber which is good for your tummy and it fights bad breath. How good is that. It also has calcium and iron.

Kiwi have all the vitamins you need in a day. Thats a good reason to eat one everyday. Don't you think? I love kiwi cause its sour and sweet at the same time.

Have a good week :D

onsdag 19. oktober 2011

Cloths shops online :p Ad

All I do is homework lately. I have however had some time to look at cloths online.
I think I miss stores or something?

Is it just me or do you love cloths too?
I've been loving the preppy style lately. Soft blouses, blazers and shorts.

Here is some web site I found and that I really would like to order from (when I have money) :


Fake fur jacket - I want !! It's from their website.

Some pictures from yesstyle. A cheap website with so many pretty cloths. I have not ordered anything from there, but I really want to.

Anyway have a nice day

mandag 10. oktober 2011

Peanut Butter Cups in minutes

This is really simple and quick. I just made some cause I was in some need of chocolate.
All you have to do is add 1,5 Tablespoon of peanut butter in a muffin cup ( I used paper here). Add a 1 Tablespoon of chocolate spread on top (non dairy). Put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and eat right out of the freezer! Hmmm... so good :p

torsdag 6. oktober 2011

Coconut Oil Deodorant

I just found out that some people use coconut oil instead for deodorant. It is suppose to protect against odor. I think that is so neat. It smells amazing and when I rub it on it feels like a normal deodorant. Clean, natural and good for your skin.
I have decided to give it a two week try just to see if it works? Feel free to test it out yourself.

onsdag 5. oktober 2011

Peanut Butter Cups

I was in the mood for chocolate so I made Alicia Silverstone`s recipe for Peanut Butter Cups. 
Hmmm.. I love them. Every time I make them they don`t last long in the fridge. I just can`t stop eating them =) Here is her recipe

Try them out if you want something deliciously sweet <3

søndag 2. oktober 2011

Vegan Diet

For 4 weeks I did not followed a vegan diet. When I first came to Canada for school it was super busy and I had to eat something. I did notice when I ate meat that my body felt heavier and I felt more tired. That is why I decided to go back to being vegan.

It is not always easy and I need to plan my meals in order for it to work. When that said I have found some places where they have vegan meals I can eat, without having to cook myself all the time.
Some are Vera Veggie burger non dairy. This taste like normal burger. Only I skip all the fat and no animal had to die for me. Also bean burrito with no dairy is also something I eat, when I don´t have the time to cook. Same goes for fried rice with tofu, sushi and veggie soup.

I don´t know if I am going to keep eating vegan forever but for now it´s what works best for my body.
On my heaviest I weighed 64 kg and now I weigh 54 - 55 kg. I did not intend to loose any weigh but it just    happened anyway. The other thing that has happened is that I don´t have any tummy problems anymore. Which is such a positive outcome. And I have not been sick as much.
Before I would get a cold every month and now I have not had that. I love it. I also bought a netttipot which helps me keep my nose breathable.